New Member Paperwork
Paperwork required for a new member includes:
- ANSC 7001 – Enrollment Application
- ANSC 7036 – Prospective Member Interview Record
- ANSC 7010 – Answer sheet for New Member Course, graded.
- Two (2) Completed Fingerprint Cards
- OFI Form 86C – Special Agreement Check
- Standard Form 85 – Authorization for Release of Information.
Optional paperwork for a new member includes:
- Verification of U.S. Citizenship (VUSC) with attached document photocopy
- FC mails complete package to DSO-PS.
- DSO-PS verifies completeness of the forms and sends to DIRAUX.
- DIRAUX forwards the PSI forms to SECCEN and immediately enters the member information into AuxData, assigning a member number and a status code of “AP.” The pending member information will immediately be viewable on AuxData reports and the status code is visible on the Address and Flotilla Data report.
- When a favorable PSI determination is received, DIRAUX will change the member’s status code in AuxData to BQ or IQ (depending on completion of a Boating Safety Course) and will mail the Membership Certificate to the appropriate FC for presentation and administration of the Pledge.
- The security forms listed above are those required for Operational Support (OS) status. If, for some reason the member will be completing the forms for Direct Operational (DO) status with the application, check with the DSO-PS prior to completing the package as those forms are not to be submitted to Auxiliary personnel due to personal information.
- To reduce processing time requirements, Fingerprint Technicians and Flotilla Commanders are authorized to accomplish the verification of U.S. Citizenship by having the member complete form VUSC and attach a copy of any of the permitted verification documents.
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Member Re-Enrollment
If a member has been disenrolled for less than one (1) year:
- FC may send a letter to DIRAUX requesting that the member be re-enrolled.
If approved, DIRAUX will reactivate the member’s AuxData information and restore the member to the prior status of IQ, BQ or AX. The restored member’s training and qualification records are restored as well (subject to REYR/REWK requirements). All AuxData entries are accomplished by DIRAUX.
- The re-enrolling member should not have been administratively disenrolled for cause and must comply with Personal Security Investigation requirements.
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Member Transfer Request
For a transfer to be approved the member must be current with financial obligations to their flotilla and have returned any property owned by the flotilla, division, district or Coast Guard.
Prior to completing the paperwork the member should ensure that address and phone number information is current within AuxData.
The following forms are required for a member to transfer from one flotilla to another:
- ANSC 7056 – Member Transfer Request
All AuxData entries and any required notifications are done by DIRAUX.
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Change Of Member Information
- Form ANSC 7028 is completed by the member and sent to the FSO-IS or SO-IS, whomever enters AuxData information for your flotilla. This form may be used to change most of the name, address, phone, email information in the member’s AuxData record.
Individual members willing to download access programs and obtain an AuxData password have the ability to maintain this information themselves in their own individual records. This level of access will only permit the viewing/changing of the member’s record so each member of a family must obtain their own password to update their record.
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Upgrade From IQ To BQ Status
Members joining before completing one of the specified safe boating classes come in as an Initially Qualified (IQ) member.
When they have satisfactorily completed the course the FC sends the following to DIRAUX:
- Request to upgrade memo including the member’s full name as it appears in AuxData and member’s ID number.
- Copy of boating course certificate or graded exam answer sheet indicating course identification and passing grade.
DIRAUX changes the member’s status in AuxData to BQ.
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Application For DO Status
When a member is notified to complete paperwork required for Direct Operational (DO) status, the member should complete the following forms and send them to the OTO.
The SF-86 should, if at all possible, be downloaded to your computer then completed and printed for submission. All fields on this form must be complete including “N/A” when the response is not applicable. The downloaded version of the form will automatically complete many of these fields and has a feature that will check each page of the form for completeness, thus saving a lot of time and angst.
The SF-86 on-line form may be downloaded from the National Forms Site (Members’ Deck > Forms > Security Program Forms).
- (2) SF-86 – Questionnaire for National Security Positions (one may be a copy but both must have original signatures)
- DHS 11000-9 – Disclosure and Authorization Pertaining to Consumer Reports.
- (2) Completed fingerprint cards if not already submitted with OS package
- (Optional) Verification of U.S. Citizenship (VUSC) with attached document photocopy
To reduce processing time requirements, Fingerprint Technicians and Flotilla Commanders are authorized to accomplish the verification of U.S. Citizenship by having the member complete form VUSC and attach a copy of any of the permitted verification documents.
There is no visible modification made to AuxData to acknowledge completion of the DO PSI. The member and their FC will be notified of an unfavorable determination. Current (mid 2005) practice is for DIRAUX to send a listing of members whose PSIs have been found favorable to the PSI Coordinator who sends a copy to division captains.
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Member Disenrollment
A member may voluntarily request disenrollment or transfer to retired status (with 15+ years of service) by submitting:
- ANSC 7035 – Change of Membership Status
This is a multi-purpose form. For a voluntary disenrollment or retired status complete:
Section I – Name and member number only
Section II – Check box 2 (retirement) or 4 (disenrollment) and Member signature.
Section II – Check box 5 and attach your membership card
Section III – FC and DCP check appropriate box, sign and date
This form is also used by the FC to initiate an involuntary disenrollment for non-payment of dues. When so used the FC completes all of Section I, retains a copy, and then mails it to the member at least 30 days prior to initiating disenrollment.
The member is asked to complete Section II with an appropriate response and return the form to the FC. The FC’s action is appropriate to the member’s response. If no response has been received after 30 days the FC may use the file copy to initiate disenrollment.
DIRAUX will update AuxData by moving the member’s records from active status and place in the archives and will send a copy of the 7035 to the FC. For retirements, DIRAUX will mail a Retired certificate and pin to the FC for presentation.
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Annual Unit Officers Report
ANSC 7007 should be submitted to the SO-IS as soon as possible after unit elections but no later than 20 DEC. This report is used to compile the district Directory and should be submitted on-time to ensure the unit’s information is included in the directory.
When not all staff officers have been appointed by 20 DEC the report should be submitted leaving those positions blank, or temporarily using the name of the Chief of Staff so that relevant information will be received by someone in the unit. They can be updated later using the Change of Officer Report.
Reports are required to be sent to the SO-IS. FCs are encouraged to send a courtesy copy to their Division Captain.
SO-IS will update AuxData before the first of the new year with the current unit officers, as well as any changes to the unit’s meeting place or time.
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Annual Unit Financial Report
ANSC 7025 – Financial Report of an Auxiliary Unit should be completed by the unit’s financial officer (FSO-FN or SO-FN) and approved by the FC or DCP. Flotilla reports are due to the DCP by 31 JAN. They are compiled and submitted to the DSO-FN along with the division report by 20 FEB.
These reports are also required upon a change in either the unit leader or financial officer if that event occurs at other than the beginning of the year.
When completed on-line then printed, the arithmetic is done automatically.
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Change Of Officer Report
ANSC 7006 – Change of Officer Report is submitted by the FC or DCP to the SO-IS upon a change of any information first submitted on the Annual Unit Officers Report. This includes changes of elected or appointed officers for the unit in mid-term.
When staff offices haven’t been filled at the time the Annual Unit Officers Report was filed (20 DEC) the Change of Officer Report is used when the appointments are made.
Information in this report is entered into AuxData. Due to the difficulty in updating and distributing printed copies of the District Directory as changes are made, the eDirectory capability accessed from the Auxiliary National Web Site permits members to obtain identification of the current office-holder. This information is used by flotilla members and by anyone in the Auxiliary wishing to communicate to all holders of a specific office, e.g., all FSOs-VE in 9WR. It is important that this information is maintained at all times throughout the year for good communication.
SO-IS updates AuxData with the changed office information.
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PE Course Schedules – Intent To Teach
The District Website > Members > Public Education (PE) contains a “quick link” to an on-line eForm used to ensure that information provided by “course intents” is quickly and correctly updated in the district’s Public Education offerings. Information provided in this manner will also be quickly available to public access through the Auxiliary National Web Site.
Information for up to four courses at a time is entered into the eForm and automatically sent to the ADSO-PE charged with compiling the information and transmitting it to the district webmaster.
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Unit Meeting Minutes
Although form 7017 is available for this purpose, many units provide meeting minutes in a more free-form style. The form, however, identifies the type of information that should be provided and should be consulted for this purpose.
Meeting minutes are generally recorded by the unit’s SR Officer, made available to the voting members for approval at a subsequent meeting, maintained in the unit’s records and a copy is sent to the SR officer at the next higher unit level.
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Reporting the Death of a Member
Upon learning of the death of a member the Flotilla Commander should be notified as soon as possible.
The Flotilla Commander should:
- Contact the family, offer condolences, and ask if the Auxiliary can be of any assistance.
- Gather the particulars for the wake and funeral services and ask if the family would like an honor guard at the wake and/or funeral service. It may also be well to ask if the family would prefer that Auxiliary members attending the services be uniformed or in civilian clothing.
- Notify flotilla members of death and arrangements as well as: FCs of other division flotillas, RCO, VCO, DCO and DIRAUX by email or other quick means.
- Complete a form 7035 and route per normal chain to DIRAUX.
- Determine if member had custody of Auxiliary or Coast Guard property and offer to the family to take care of returning such property.
DIRAUX will remove the member from AuxData. This will prevent the mailing of notices, etc., addressed to the deceased member which often can be painful for the surviving family.
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Mission Reports
ANSC 7030 – Activity Report-Mission is submitted by the Member or Lead Member to the FSO-IS or SO-IS responsible for entry into AuxData. This report is due no later than 30 days after completion of the mission.
The report may be submitted on paper or electronically (when authorized by the entry person).
For boat, air or radio activities the report is submitted by the Lead Member, listing all non-lead and trainee members on the same report. These reports must be sent to the data entry person of the unit to which the facility is registered.
For Public Education or Member Training activities the report is submitted by the Lead Instructor and lists all non-lead (aide) members and candidates for Instructor Certification doing instruction under supervision as Trainee.
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Non-Mission Time Reports
ANSC 7029 – Member Activity Log is used to keep a record of all non-mission time spent by members in support of the Auxiliary or Coast Guard. It includes the travel and preparation time for activities listed on Mission Reports. The report is designed to be maintained during a calendar month then sent to the FSO-IS or SO-IS responsible for entry into AuxData monthly. The report is due no later than 30 days after the most recent date of activity.
The report may be submitted on paper or electronically (when authorized by the entry person).
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Vessel Safety Check Reports
ANSC 7038 – Activity Report-Vessel Examinations is submitted by the member conducting the examinations to the FSO-IS or SO-IS responsible for entry into AuxData.
This report is designed to report on all examinations conducted during a reasonable time period, not longer than 30 days.
The report may be submitted on paper or electronically (when authorized by the entry person).
When used to report the supervision of a trainee examiner the report should be submitted immediately upon completion to allow the training exams to be recorded quickly and allow the trainee to attain certification in a timely manner.
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RBS Visitation Reports
ANSC 7046 – Activity Report RBS Visitation submitted by the member conducting the visitation to the FSO-IS or SO-IS responsible for entry into AuxData.
This report is designed to report on all visitations conducted during a reasonable time period, not longer than 30 days.
The report may be submitted on paper or electronically (when authorized by the entry person).
When used to report the supervision of a trainee visitor the report should be submitted immediately upon completion to allow the training visits to be recorded quickly and allow the trainee to attain certification in a timely manner.
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Aids To Navigation Reports
ATONIS/AAPS forms – These are generated by the Coast Guard for all PATONs that must be verified each year. They are generated at D9 and forwarded to the Auxiliary by the ANTeams. After completion by an AV they are sent to the DSO-AN for compilation and forwarding to the Coast Guard.
ANSC 7054 – These reports may are completed by certified Aid Verifiers (AV) for Federal or Private Aids, or by any member for Bridge Inspections. In either case they are sent to the DSO-AN for compilation and forwarding to the CG ANTeam or D9 Bridge Department respectively.
Form 77-5 is completed by members doing Chart and Marina Updates. They are sent to the DSO-AN for compilation and forwarding to the Coast Guard.
Note that a 7030 Activity Report – Mission should also be completed reporting the inspections done. This report is sent to Unit Input as with all other 7030 forms.
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Short Term Resident Training
ANSC 7059 – The Short Term Training
Request form is used for any short term training requests,
including C-Schools.
The report is submitted by the member to
their FC, who forwards the form onto the DCO. The form
should not be sent directly to DIRAUX.
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Workshop Attendance Reports
ANSC 7039 – Workshop Mission and Attendance Report is used to report the completion of a Nationally recognized workshop and all members attending the workshop.
Operations Workshops are only authorized to be conducted by DSO-OP or ADSOs-OP.
TCT Workshops are only authorized to be conducted by Coast Guard trained and approved TCT facilitators.
Normally only the flotilla, last name and initials of attendees is required for subsequent entry. In flotillas having more than one member with that same information, other means of identification should be included.
The report is used ONLY for reporting those workshops identified in Section I of the form. If your training session cannot be identified by checking one of those boxes it should be reported on a 7030 as a member training session rather than on the 7039.
The report may be submitted on paper or electronically and is entered into AuxData by the ADSO-IS (WKS).
When a specific workshop is “Required” for maintenance of certification it is VITAL that the report be submitted to the ADSO-IS (WKS) immediately upon conclusion of the workshop.
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Short Term Resident Training Request (STTRs)
Members requesting to take C-Schools classes
or other Short Term Training must fill out the Short Term
Resident Training Request (STTR) form first. A complete
listing of the C-Schools available may be found at
The SSTR form is available online at
http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7059f.pdf. The
member must then route the form “up the chain”.
The specific routing for the STTR for 9th Western is Member > FC > DCO > DIRAUX. Short
Term Training Requests
should reach the DIRAUX no later than 60 days before the
class start date.
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Take A Specialty Course Exam On Paper
All Specialty (AUXOP) courses may be taken on paper.
- Member or instructor notifies ADSO-MT (OSC) of desire to take exam.
- ADSO-MT (OSC) arranges for a proctor.
- Proctor completes ANSC 7026, Auxiliary Operational Specialty Course Examination Request/Transmittal form sending it to ADSO-MT (OSC)
- ADSO-MT (OSC) mails test materials with 7026 to proctor for test administration.
- Proctor returns test materials, answer sheets and 7026 to ADSO-MT (OSC) for grading.
- ADSO-MT (OSC) grades tests, notifies ADSO-IS (Qual) of passing grades.
- ADSO-IS (Qual) enters test results into AuxData, notifies DCO.
- DCO sends letter, certificate and ribbon when applicable to member’s FC for presentation.
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Nominate a Member for an Award
Any member may nominate any other member for an Auxiliary or appropriate Coast Guard award (see Auxiliary manual, Chapter 11. When making a nomination it is important that the nominee NOT be told of the recommendation to prevent embarrassment should the recommendation be changed or denied.
Nominating member completes ANSC 7002, Coast Guard Award Recommendation, and creates a “bullet” narrative of the member’s accomplishments. Member then sends these documents to the Awards Committee Chair.
Awards Committee reviews for determination of appropriateness of requested award, writes recommended citation, and forwards to DCO for approval.
DCO approves recommendation and sends to DIRAUX for presentation to Coast Guard Awards Board.
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Qualify In Operations (Boat)
This section covers qualifying in the Boat Crew Manual qualifications for Crewmember, Coxswain or Personal Watercraft Operator.
- Member completes requirements under supervision of their mentor(s) then appears before a qualification board for oral examination and to perform a check-ride.
- Qualification board chair notifies OTO.
- OTO approves, notifies ADSO-IS (Ops) & DSO-OP by email, then generates a certificate and sends it to the member’s FC for presentation along with the applicable ribbon/device.
- ADSO-IS (Ops) enters qualification into AuxData.
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Take NavRules Test On Paper
The initial NavRules test for qualification as Coxswain or Personal Watercraft Operator is closed book and is taken at a Coast Guard station.
- Coast Guard proctor sends answer sheet to QE Coordinator for grading.
- QE Coordinator notifies OTO of passing score (or member otherwise).
- OTO notifies DSO-OP and ADSO-IS (Ops) for entry into AuxData. Sends letter to member.
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Annual Currency (Boat)
This section covers Crewmembers, Coxswains or Personal Watercraft Operators.
- Coxswain sends Currency Maintenance Form to OTO
- OTO notifies DSO-OP and ADSO-IS (Ops) for entry into AuxData
- Coxswains and Personal Watercraft Operators may complete the form for their own currency
- Crewmembers may check AuxInfo (Tasks cube) to ensure their currency requirements have been entered
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Fifth-Year Currency (Boat)
This section covers Crewmembers, Coxswains or Personal Watercraft Operators.
- QE sends Currency Maintenance Form to OTO
- OTO notifies DSO-OP and ADSO-IS (Ops) for entry into AuxData
- All members may check AuxInfo (Tasks cube) to ensure their currency requirements have been entered.
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Fifth-Year NavRules Exam On-Line
NavRules tests for currency maintenance (not initial qualification) may be taken on-line. A complete description of the procedure and current listing of eligible exams may be found via the Chief Director’s website.
- Member logs onto exam site (above) and selects NavRules Series 90 exam.
- Member takes exam on-line.
- National Testing Center returns grade via screen, and if passing grade:
- Enters grade into member’s AuxData Training Record
- Notifies DSO-IS by email
- DSO-IS enters into AuxData.
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Recertify From REYR In Operations (Boat)
This section covers Crewmembers, Coxswains or Personal Watercraft Operators. A member not meeting the annual currency requirements in a year will be placed into REYR (Recertify for Yearly currency) status by AuxData, usually in January.
A member may also be placed in REYR status when it has been over 5 years since the TCT workshop was taken or over 5 years since the NavRules test was passed for Coxswains/PWOs.
If these are the only reasons for REYR status, certification may be restored by accomplishing the missed task and sending evidence of such to the OTO.
OTO notifies ADSO-IS (Ops) for AuxData entry and DSO-OP.
While in REYR status member is not eligible to take orders or to be counted as crew – underway status is reported as Trainee.
Becoming recertified from REYR status is not difficult, however the requirements depend on the number of years elapsed since being placed in that status. This can be determined from the AuxData Certifications report.
For example: In 2005, a member showing 2003 in the REYR Date column would be in Year 2 (2005-2003 = 2).
The Currency Maintenance form is completed with REYR designated. Eight underway hours as a trainee in the qualification being recertified is required as well as completion of the appropriate tasks.
In Years 1 and 2 of REYR the form may be completed by a certified Coxswain.
In Years 3 and 4 of REYR the form must be completed by a QE.
After 5 years, the member needs to go through the oral board and check-ride as for initial certification.
Upon completion of the required tasks the Coxswain/QE mails the Currency Maintenance Form to the OTO for recertification.
OTO notifies ADSO-IS (Ops) for AuxData entry and DSO-OP.
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Recertify From REWK In Operations (Boat)
Failure to attend a required Operations Workshop by 31 May will result in a certified member being placed in REWK status in the Operations program. Only ADSOs-OP are authorized to conduct Operations Workshops.
- ADSO-OP sends Workshop Report to ADSO-IS (WKS) for entry into AuxData.
- ADSO-IS (WKS) sends email notification to ADSO-IS (Ops) for restoration of certification in AuxData, copy to DSO-OP.
A member not completing a required workshop prior to September 30 will be placed into REYR status.
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Qualify As APC
Though not a program qualification, the Administrative Procedures Course is one of the qualifying elements for Auxiliary elected office and is recorded in AuxData as a Qualification.
The open book test may be taken on-line via www.auxetrain.org or on paper.
If taken on-line, the member should save the notification of passing the exam sent by the National Testing Center and notify (with member name and number) the ADSO-IS (Qual).
If taken on paper, the member should obtain a copy of the graded answer sheet and send it to the ADSO-IS (Qual).
The ADSO-IS (Qual) will record the Task and Competency in AuxData and will notify the DCO by email of the accomplishment.
The DCO will generate a certificate and send it to the member’s FC for presentation.
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Qualify As IT Based On Experience
Qualifying experience can take the form of evidence of two or more years of recent experience as an instructor.
- Member submits documentation to FC.
- FC reviews and sends to DSO-MT with endorsement.
- DSO-MT notifies ADSO-IS (Qual) of approval.
- ADSO-IS (Qual) enters into AuxData and notifies DCO for qualification approval.
- DCO sends congratulatory letter to member and certificate, along with any appropriate ribbon/medals to member’s FC for presentation.
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Qualify As IT, VE, PV
Member takes test & performs program-required training to the satisfaction of the FC.
- FC submits 9WR Qualification Authorization form on district web site, IS page.
- ADSO-IS (Qual) enters qualification into AuxData, notifies DCO
- DCO approves qualification, sends letter to member; sends certificate, ribbon/medal to FC for presentation.
These three programs are very similar in the process for qualification, though they differ in the content. For each Qualification (or Competency) the member learns the program, takes an open book exam with a passing grade of 90%, then satisfactorily accomplishes some practical skill demonstrations under the supervision of a member certified in that program.
When satisfied that the member has met the program requirements, the member’s FC should request the qualification by submitting the 9WR Qualification Request information on the IS page of the district web site.
When submitted, the information will be sent to the ADSO-IS (Qual) for entry into AuxData. The DCO will be notified for approval of the Qualification. A congratulatory letter will be sent to the member and the certificate, along with any appropriate ribbons/medals, will be sent to the member’s FC for presentation.
There are two additional notification alternatives available to the FC.
- (1) The 9WR Qualification Request form may be printed, completed by hand, and mailed to the ADSO-IS (Qual).
- (2) The FC may complete and submit the Qualification Input Page available on www.auxetrain.org. This method will take longer than the recommended method as the information will be sent to the DSO-IS who will forward it to the ADSO-IS (Qual) for entry.
The exam may be taken on-line via www.auxetrain.org or on paper. If taken on-line, the member should save and print the notification of passing the exam sent by the National Testing Center. A copy of this notification should be given to the member’s FC as evidence of completion.
If taken on paper, a graded copy of the exam answer sheet should be given to the member’s FC for the same purpose and forwarding to the ADSO-IS (Qual).
Completion of the practical demonstration may be accomplished with any member currently certified in the program. The supervising member will report the instruction, vessel exams or program visits on the appropriate form (7030, 7038 or 7046 respectively) and will submit the form to Unit Input with the candidate’s name marked as “Trainee” on the form(s). The supervising member gets credit for the activity. A copy of the form(s) should be given to the FC as evidence of successful completion of this requirement.
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Recertify From REYR As IT, VE, PV
Member completes program requirements for recertification, notifies FC.
- FC submits 9WR Qualification Authorization form on district web site, IS page.
- ADSO-IS (Qual) recertifies member in AuxData, notifies FC by email.
A member failing to accomplish the minimum annual requirements to maintain certification in one of the programs will lose certification and be placed into REYR (Recertification - Yearly requirements) status.
If members have been in REYR status for less than five years they may be restored to certified status by performing the required instruction, vessel exams or program visits under supervision of a member currently certified in that program.
The supervising member will report the instruction, vessel exams or program visits on the appropriate form (7030, 7038 or 7046 respectively) and will submit the form to Unit Input with the candidate’s name marked as “Trainee” on the form(s). The supervising member gets credit for the activity. A copy of the form(s) should be given to the FC as evidence of successful completion of this requirement.
When satisfied that the member has satisfactorily met the recertification requirements, the member’s FC should authorize the recertification by submitting the 9WR Qualification Authorization information on the IS page of the district web site. The information will automatically be sent to the ADSO-IS (Qual) for entry into AuxData and restoration of certification. An email response will be sent to the submitting FC for notification to the member.
The ADSO-IS (Qual) will also check to ensure that a program workshop has been attended by the member when required. To fully meet the requirements for recertification, both the supervised practicals and any required workshops must be completed. A member in REYR status completing the practicals will be placed in REWK status if the workshop has not been attended and the FC will be notified by email.
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Recertify From REWK As IT, VE, PV
- Member attends workshop.
- Instructor sends 7039 form to ADSO-IS (WKS).
- ADSO-IS (WKS) enters workshop, notifies ADSO-IS (Qual)
- ADSO-IS (Qual) restores certification and notifies member by email if available in AuxData.
A member not completing the required workshop prior to September 30 will be placed into REYR status.
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Qualify As A Fingerprint Technician
When authorized by the PSI Coordinator, a member trains by watching an on-line video, passing an on-line test and submitting three practice fingerprint cards along with a copy of the test results to the PSI Coordinator.
The PSI Coordinator notifies the ADSO-IS (Qual) when the member is qualified as a Fingerprint Technician for entry into AuxData.
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Qualify As An Aid Verifier
- Member completes training and test with a certified AV.
- AV sends graded test to DSO-AN who will forward to CG ANTeam
- ANTeam sends letter to member.
- Member signs letter & returns as instructed, copy DSO-AN.
- DSO-AN notifies ADSO-IS (MS) for entry of qualification into AuxData.
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Qualify As A Radio Watchstander
Member receives qualification letter from station CO/OinC, sends copy to ADSO-IS (MS).
ADSO-IS (MS) enters qualification into AuxData.
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Record MS / Trident Qualifications
There are many elements of MS / Trident program training and qualifications – some still evolving.
Members should contact the ADSO-IS (MS) for instructions and questions regarding the recording and certification in these programs.
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Record Air Program Qualifications
The Auxiliary Air program has many elements of training and qualification.
Members should contact the DSO-AV for instructions and questions regarding the recording and certification in these programs.
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Resolving Certification Questions
There are many reasons why a member may have questions regarding their status in an Auxiliary program.
The member should contact their Unit Input person for details and assistance in getting the question or problem resolved.
The Unit Input person will work the issue using the IS parallel chain to the DSO-IS.
Members unsatisfied with results or timing from the IS department should contact their FC and request assistance through the chain of leadership and management.
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Record Completion Of ICS training
Members receiving certification of training in any level of Incident Command System (ICS) should send their email or written notification of ICS training to the ADSO-IS (MS).
Certificates, if any, are issued and presented by the sponsoring agency.
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Record Certificates Of Training
Many members attend specialized training such as “C” schools, roadshows, or other training recognized by the Auxiliary.
Most of the time the sponsoring organization will arrange for recording of such training in AuxData. When they don’t, members may request the training be recorded by sending a copy of the certificate to the ADSO-IS (MS).
To determine if a training course is recordable check the listing available in AuxInfo under the Tasks cube.
Absence of a training course from the Tasks cube doesn’t mean the training is not important, only that it is not being recorded at the present time.
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Recording Of Member Awards
The Auxiliary tries very hard to record all ribbon/medal awards earned by members. These are recorded in the Awards cube of AuxData and may be seen through the same cube in AuxInfo.
Some awards earned by members may not appear in their records, usually due to the issuing authority not providing such information to the IS department. If you received an award and it is not listed in AuxInfo, send a copy of the award citation to the DSO-IS for recording.
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Vessel Facility Inspection (Offer For Use)
Vessel facilities may be inspected by a currently certified Vessel Examiner and are good for a period of one year from date of inspection. Inspections are recorded on form 7003 which is sent to the OTO for Coast Guard approvals then are sent to the ADSO-IS (FAC) for entry into AuxData.
NOTE: Current national policy is to automatically remove a facility from Inspected status about one year and 45 days from the date of inspection. When inspected status is removed, orders cannot be issued through POMS and no missions (even those occurring while the facility was in an Inspected status) can be entered into AuxData until Inspected status is restored. Keep paperwork current.
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PWC Facility Inspection (Offer For Use)
PWC facilities may be inspected by a currently certified Vessel Examiner and are good for a period of one year from date of inspection. Inspections are recorded on form 7008 which is sent to the OTO for Coast Guard approvals then are sent to the ADSO-IS (FAC) for entry into AuxData.
NOTE: Current national policy is to automatically remove a facility from Inspected status about one year and 45 days from the date of inspection. When inspected status is removed, orders cannot be issued through POMS and no missions (even those occurring while the facility was in an Inspected status) can be entered into AuxData until Inspected status is restored. Keep paperwork current.
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Radio Facility Inspection (Offer For Use)
Radio facilities may be inspected by a member who has completed the AUXCOM specialty course and are good until the last calendar day of the third year. Inspections are recorded on form 7004 which is sent to the OTO for Coast Guard approvals then are sent to the ADSO-IS (FAC) for entry into AuxData.
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Aircraft Facility Inspection (Offer For Use)
Aircraft facilities may be inspected by a specially designated Aircraft Commander or Flight Examiner. Inspections are recorded on form 7005 which is sent to the DSO-AV for endorsement, then to the DIRAUX for Coast Guard approvals then are sent to the ADSO-IS (Ops) for entry into AuxData. Aircraft Facility Inspections are good for a period of one year from date of inspection.
NOTE: Current national policy is to automatically remove a facility from Inspected status about one year and 45 days from the date of inspection. When inspected status is removed, orders cannot be issued through POMS and no missions (even those occurring while the facility was in an Inspected status) can be entered into AuxData until Inspected status is restored. Keep paperwork current.
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